Gala Basket Collection - Kristin Clark (Erin and Cicely's mom) will be collecting for the Girls Soccer Gala baskets this season. Each family is asked to contribute $10 per player towards the baskets. The baskets are used in the silent auction of the CHS Boosters Gala, held each March, to help to raise money to support all of the extra-curricular programs at CHS. For those not familiar with or have not attended the Gala, I have attached a copy of the 2019 booklet where you can find information about the event as well as a listing of most of the baskets and items that were included in the silent auction. I encourage you to attend as it is a fun evening and a great fundraiser for the boosters.
Contributions can be given/forwarded to Kristin using any of the following means:
sent by venmo to @Thomas-Clark-217
cash or check (CHS Boosters) to Kristin at the games
cash or check through your player to Erin or Cicely at practice or school
sent by paypal to